Developing clients

Client is also almost like a SAL, but requires configuration management at some point and maybe credentials, and can have multiple objects. e.g redis client for my localhost and one to another remote redis machine

Code structure

One of the simplest clients we have is redis client


You create your client as a package ( file and any other files you need)

Writing code

A Typical client should inherit from j.clients.base.Client

class RedisClient(Client):
    hostname = fields.String(default="localhost")
    port = fields.Integer(default=6379)
    password = fields.Secret()

And then we define the fields relevant to the client as class attributes using our jumpscale.core.base.fields. Make sure to review the baseclasses and config management sections

Here's the full code of redis client as of the moment.

Redis client

from redis import Redis

from jumpscale.clients.base import Client
from jumpscale.core.base import fields
from import AttributeUpdateEvent

class RedisClient(Client):
    hostname = fields.String(default="localhost")
    port = fields.Integer(default=6379)
    password = fields.Secret()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.__client = None

    def __dir__(self):
        return list(self._fields.keys()) + dir(self.redis_client)

    def redis_client(self):
        if not self.__client:
            if self.password:
                self.__client = Redis(self.hostname, self.port, password=self.password)
                self.__client = Redis(self.hostname, self.port)

        return self.__client

    def __getattr__(self, k):
        # forward non found attrs to self.redis_client
        return getattr(self.redis_client, k)

Exposing the client as factory

from jumpscale.core.base import StoredFactory
from .redis import RedisClient

export_module_as = StoredFactory(RedisClient)

We use export_module_as feature to bind j.clients.redis to factory of RedisClient