J Object

A global j object for easy access to components and functionalities (e.g. god object anti-pattern).

  • Should allow auto-completions (without the need to evaluate!)
  • Easy to register objects/components.

Use modules

Utilize code structure to get the idea of a global j object, by simply arranging modules like:



class CoreImpl:

core = CoreImpl()

Accessing from other places

import jumpscale as j


Other principles like state management need to be discussed (also make sure it would cover actual jumpscale usescaes).

Problem 1: Code Structure

We can use namespaces the way zope does with zope.interface for example. Now we can easily have jumpscale.sal , jumpscale.clients easily separated into there own pip packages like any normal python project. (bye bye installtools!)

declaring namespaces

One of two ways

1- remove __init__.py 2- add namespace declaration in __init__.py __import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__)

Example structure

├── projectclients
│   └── jumpscale
│       ├── clients
│       │   ├── github.py
│       │   ├── gogs.py
│       │   ├── __init__.py
│       ├── __init__.py

├── projectmain
│   └── jumpscale
│       ├── loader.py
│       ├── __init__.py
├── projectsals
│   └── jumpscale
│       ├── __init__.py
│       └── sal
│           ├── fs.py
│           ├── __init__.py
└── projecttools
    └── jumpscale
        ├── __init__.py
        └── tools
            ├── __init__.py
            └── sync.py

Problem 2: implicit imports (autoloading subpackages)

jumpscale by design wants the least amount of imports thats why all are registered under j

e.g for sal/__init__.py

import pkgutil

__all__ = []
for loader, module_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(__path__):
    _module = loader.find_module(module_name).load_module(module_name)
    globals()[module_name] = _module

CHECK: lazyloader/import hooks in stdpython https://docs.python.org/3/library/importlib.html#importlib.util.LazyLoader

Problem 3: Singletons

Solved by design using python modules

Problem 4: jslocation

If we do like the following

import jumpscale.sal
import jumpscale.tools
import jumpscale.clients

j = jumpscale

we have handcrafted imports for sal, tools, clients so their subpackages can be autoloaded, but how should it work with packages like digitalme

How to register digitalme in the global object "j"

Do we generate import jumpscale.digitalme? is there a standard python way to do it? a reliable plugin system?

where would its module be registered?

for instance there might be digitalme.tools should it be under j.tools directly or j.digitalme.tools? I prefer the latter for clarity and conflict resolution too

Example usage with jumpscale

~> export PYTHONPATH="projecttools:projectsals:projectclients:projectmain"
In [1]: import jumpscale.loader

In [2]: jumpscale.sal.fs.copyfile('a', 'b')
copying file

In [3]: jumpscale.tools.sync.sync()
sync tool

In [4]: jumpscale.clients.github.get_githubclient?
Signature: jumpscale.clients.github.get_githubclient(username, password)
Docstring: <no docstring>
File:      ~/wspace/jumpscale-skeleton/projectclients/jumpscale/clients/github.py
Type:      function

In [5]: jumpscale.clients.github.get_githubclient('a', 'bb')
getting client with a bb

In [6]: jumpscale.clients.gogs.get_gogs('a', 'bbb') # uses jumpscale sal.fs in its code
sync tool
getting gogs client with a bbb

Example usage with j

In [1]: from jumpscale.loader import j

In [2]: j.sal.fs.removefile('a')
removing file

In [3]: j.clients.gogs.get_gogs('a', 'b')
sync tool
getting gogs client with a b