Extending Jumpscale

In order to extend jumpscale or j object you need to add your code in one of the namespaces we have data, sals, clients, tools, servers as a package.

Deciding on how to expose your extension

using package init file

If simple extension you can just write your code in yourpackage/__init__.py file, the same way we do in lots of data helpers and in j.sals.fs

Replace loaded package

The way we do for faker data package we replace the package completely with one instance of Faker.

def export_module_as():
    from faker import Faker
    import sys

    return Faker()

Import all from another package

Same way we do in data.time package

from arrow import *

Replace the loaded package with a specific factory

The same way we do for the clients by replacing the loaded client package with one instance of a factory of the client

def export_module_as():
    from jumpscale.core.base import StoredFactory
    from .redis import RedisClient

    return StoredFactory(RedisClient)


export_module_as is our mechanism to define how to expose a certain package under j object. In case it's defined in the package we replace the package with its value.