IDE/Editor setup


VSCode is a very popular extensible code editor with many extensions to provide an IDE-like experience

Poetry integration

You only need in user settings specify python.venvPath to the directory where poetry hosts its virtualenvs. e.g on linux that's ~/.cache/poetry/virtualenvs

and make sure to select python interpreter (Ctrl+P then select interpreter)

Auto-completion with poetry virtual environment

You can configure poetry to create the virtual environment inside the project directory so vscode can detect it and you can select its interpreter without extra vscode configuration.

Before you start, if you've an old environment in ~/.cache/pypoetry, see how to remove it here.

First, let's check current poetry configuration:

poetry config --list

It should output something like:

cache-dir = "/home/username/.cache/pypoetry"
virtualenvs.create = true = false
virtualenvs.path = "{cache-dir}/virtualenvs"  # /home/username/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs

Now we need to change configuration to be true, this can be done as follows:

poetry config true

Now we can simply clone our repository and change the directory to it, then start installation:

poetry install

And it will tell us that the newly created virtual environment will be at .venv:

Creating virtualenv js-sdk in /home/username/test/js-sdk/.venv
Installing dependencies from lock file
Package operations: ...

After successful installation, we can open vscode and press Control +Shift + P and try to select the interpreter, it should be listed without any extra configuration:


Then trying to write a new script e.g.


Note that global j object completion is only supported in jsng shell.

Removing old virtual environment in cache directory

You should make sure that no virtual environments were created in ~/.cache/pypoetry for your current project:

poetry env list --full-path

If it shows something like:

/home/username/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/js-sdk-2MKXmKJD-py3.6 (Activated)

Then make sure it's deactivated and you're outside this environment in the shell and do the following to remove it:

poetry env remove js-sdk-2MKXmKJD-py3.6


Deleted virtualenv: /home/abom/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/js-sdk-2MKXmKJD-py3.6
  • autoDocString to ensure correct docstrings.
  • pyright for static checking your code while writing in vscode.
  • AREPL for a realtime python scratch pad.
  • Better TOML toml config supported.
  • GitLens for boosted git experience.
  • Git graph view a graph of your repository.
  • Prettify JSON
  • TabNine AI based code completion