Chatflow Engine

Chatflows are an interactive communication bot that can be used to interactively ask the user some questions then perform actions based on the user's choices. Think of serving a customer, handling invoices, buying items or in our case provisioning workloads on the grid.


It's very easy to define a new bot, you just need to make sure it's added in a package and that package is installed. The chatflow should be under the /chats directory in the package created.

Here is an example for a simple chatflow that will help you order a meal from one of your favorite restaurants

from jumpscale.loader import j

from jumpscale.sals.chatflows.chatflows import GedisChatBot

class Your_Order(GedisChatBot):
    # Sample data
    menus = {
        "3 Burger": {
            "main": ["Cheese Burger", "Douple Burger"],
            "sides": ["fries", "Onion rings"],
        "3 Pizza": {
            "main": ["Chicken Pizza", "Beef Pizza", "Cheese Pizza"],
            "sides": ["fries", "Cheese"],

    # Ask the user about his name
    name = self.string_ask("Hello, What's your name?", default="Man")

    # display a dropdown containing your favourite Restaurants
    restaurant_name = self.drop_down_choice("Please select a Resturant", menus.keys())

    # display the main dishes of the selected restaurant so the user can choose only one dish
    main_dish = self.single_choice("Please Select your main dish", menus[restaurant_name]["main"])

    # ask about the mount (this accepts any integer)
    amount = self.int_ask("How many {} do you want".format(main_dish))

    # ask about the side dishes (the user can choose multiple side dishes)
    side_dish = self.multi_choice("what do you want with your order", menus[restaurant_name]["sides"])

    # Now you can add any logic you want here to send the order to the restaurant
    # Then we can show a report to the user about his order using md format
    report = """# Hello {name}
    your order has been confirmed
    you have ordered : {amount} {main_dish] with {side_dish}
    """.format(name=name, amount=amount, main_dish=main_dish, side_dish=side_dish)


Available types:

  • ask
  • string_ask
  • secret_ask
  • int_ask
  • text_ask
  • single_choice
  • multi_choice
  • multi_list_choice
  • drop_down_choice
  • autocomplete_drop_down
  • datetime_picker
  • time_delta_ask
  • location_ask
  • download_file
  • upload_file
  • qrcode_show
  • captcha_ask
  • md_show
  • md_show_confirm
  • loading_show
  • new_form
  • multi_values_ask

Slide steps:

  • chatflow_step

Example of chatflow steps:

from jumpscale.loader import j

from jumpscale.sals.chatflows.chatflows import GedisChatBot, chatflow_step
from jumpscale.sals.reservation_chatflow.models import SolutionType

class UbuntuDeploy(GedisChatBot):
    steps = [

    def ubuntu_start(self):
        self.user_form_data = dict()
        self.query = dict()
        self.HUB_URL = ""
        self.IMAGES = ["ubuntu-18.04", "ubuntu-19.10", "ubuntu-20.04"]
        self.user_form_data["chatflow"] = "ubuntu"
        self.md_show("# This wizard will help you deploy an ubuntu container", md=True)

    def ubuntu_network(self): = j.sals.reservation_chatflow.select_network(self,

    @chatflow_step(title="Solution name")
    def ubuntu_name(self):
        self.user_form_data["Solution name"] = self.string_ask(
            "Please enter a name for your ubuntu container", required=True, field="name"

    @chatflow_step(title="Ubuntu version")
    def ubuntu_version(self):
        self.user_form_data["Version"] = self.single_choice("Please choose ubuntu version", self.IMAGES, required=True)


