Jumpscale alerting system



The alerting system captures all the errors which happens in the system and store it in redis. And it has APIs to create, get and delete them.


The configuration is very simple

enabled = true
level = 40

To get the config or to update it just do the following:

JS-NG> config = j.config.get("alerts")
JS-NG> config.set("enabled", False)
JS-NG> config.set("level", 50)


  • bug
  • question
  • event_system
  • event_monitor
  • event_operation


Raise alert

JS_NG> j.tools.alerthandler.alert_raise(
            message='my error message',
            alert_type ='event_system'

Search for an alert

You can search for an alert by its application name, category, message, process id, start time and last time.

Here is an example :

JS_NG> j.tools.alerthandler.find(appname='myapp', category='my category')

Get alert details

Get an alert by its id

JS-NG> j.tools.alerthandler.get(alert_id=id)

Count alerts

Get the total number of alerts

JS-NG> j.tools.alerthandler.count()

Delete alert(s)

Delete an alert by its id

JS-NG> j.tools.alerthandler.delete(alert_id=id)

or delete all the alerts

JS-NG> j.tools.alerthandler.delete_all()