
Instead of manually copying helper scripts let's use entry_point for things like jshell, synctool, etc. these can be managed using entrypoints console_script entry https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/ and utilize tool.poetry.scripts to ship them

poetry.scripts section

jsng = "jumpscale.entry_points.jsng:run"
jsctl = "jumpscale.entry_points.jsctl:cli"

Example (jsync tool)

Write script

first write your entry point script in entry_points directory

import click
from jumpscale.loader import j

def list_ssh_clients():
    # TODO: show terminal table with host information
    return print(j.clients.sshclient.list_all())

# jsync --clients "xmonader,client2" --paths "/home/xmonader/wspace/tq:/tmp/tq,..."
@click.option("--nosync", is_flag=True, default=False, type=bool)
def sync(clients, paths, nosync=False):
    clients = [cl_name.strip() for cl_name in clients.split(",")]
    paths_dict = {}
    for watched_path_info in paths.split(","):
        parts = watched_path_info.split(":")
        if len(parts) == 1:
            src, dest = parts[0], parts[0]
            src, dest = parts[0], parts[1]
        src = j.sals.fs.expanduser(src)
        paths_dict[src] = dest

    j.logger.info("clients: {}, paths {} ".format(clients, paths_dict))
    syncer = j.tools.syncer.Syncer(clients, paths_dict)
    syncer.start(sync=not nosync)

def cli():


if __name__ == "__main__":

Register it in pyproject.toml

Add it under tool.poetry.scripts section

jsctl = "jumpscale.entry_points.jsctl:cli"